Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I fired a client today

I had a phone call tonight from a very paranoid, possibly alzheimec client who once about 2 years ago threatened me with legal action because she couldn't find a deposit slip from a deposit I made for her. She actually put her 'lawyer' on the phone. I countered that as per her instructions I gave the slip to her nephew. In a few days the nephew who was out of the country at the time came back to ease her hysteria by showing her the deposit slip with the correct amount I deposited. Needless to say she never apologised. So tonight, 2 years later, she had the nerve to call me asking for help her with some issues at her rental apartment. I was shocked to hear her on the phone but not too shocked to calmly tell her she was on her own now and that I would never represent her again due to her past insinuation she would sue me.

Someone asked me if I felt good after I told her off and the answer to that is a firm no. I hate telling people off because it feels uncomfortable. The last employee I fired for stealing left me upset, angry and mostly disappointed. I don't like 'sticking' it to people even if they deserve it and do it so rarely I don't see the pleasure in it but understand its necessity.

1 comment:

Rena said...

It's okay to stear some clients to the competition. The trick is to do it in a nice way..